The CFC Statement of Philosophy

The following embodies the beliefs and ideals of the Couples for Christ (CFC) as a movement from which flows its Christian attitudes, values and behavior, as well as its programs, teaching and approaches to Christian renewal within the context of family relationships.

  1. WE BELIEVE in marriage as an indissoluble institution as taught by our Lord Jesus Christ (Mt 19:6). That God created marriage primarily for love between man and woman, and for the procreation and proper rearing of children.

  2. WE BELIEVE that God created man and wife with equal personal worth and dignity. That God ordained order in the family by giving the man the role of the family and the woman as helpmate and support, which best expresses their complementarily.

  3. WE BELIEVE in the inalienable and irreplaceable right and responsibility of parents to educate their children. That children need to be educated in essential human and Christian values for them to become responsible and mature members of society.

  4. WE BELIEVE that the family in practicing the gospel message shares In the life and mission of the Church -- through prayers, evangelization and service to men. We uphold and defend the rights of the family as proclaimed in the chapter on family rights (Familiaris Consorto).

    And lastly,

  5. WE BELIEVE that Christian family renewal can best be achieved by inviting Jesus to be the Lord of our homes and by allowing the power of the Holy Spirit to lead our family lives and through the full use of all charismatic gifts at our disposal.