The Christian Life Program (CLP)
is an integrated course intended to lead the program participants into a renewed
understanding of
and response to God's call to them as Christian men and women. The
takes the basic message of Christianity and proclaims
it anew so that men and women who hear it can make a renewed commitment to the
Lord, and allow them to receive a fuller experience
to the work of the holy Spirit in their lives. The
CLP addresses three areas of life: a) Individual - to bring the individual to a stronger relationship with God by discovering and living more fully the power and gift they received through the Holy Spirit; b) Family - to bring married couples to a renewed commitment to Christian Family Life, and build up a community of committed Christian families; and c) Church - to bring
people who already have a clear identification with a particular parish, to a
fuller experience of life in the spirit, to strengthen
and revitalize community life in the parish. It is divided into 3 modules of 4 sessions each. Each session consists of a talk, group discussion, and some time for fellowship. The first module (first 4 talks) presents the absolute basics of Christian life, with emphasis on our hearing it with an adult perspective.
The second module (next 4 talks) presents the kind of life that God calls us to : it spells out the personal response involved in receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior and helps couples to make a reorientation of their lives around Jesus.
The third module (last 4 talks) helps the couples to commit their lives in a serious way to Jesus. It helps them appropriate for their lives the power of the Holy Spirit. It provides the basis for continuing spiritual growth.
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Couples for Christ is a registered non-profit organization. ©
CFC in Chicago, IL established 1994
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