The CFC Family Ministries... For the first 12 years of the life of CFC, the single focus was on evangelizing and renewing married couples. Even though many non-couples were asking about how they could also be a part of the CFC community, the mandate of the Lord extended only to the work with couples. It has since become clear that the Lord simply wanted to assure a solid fondation, one based on the renewal of Christian couples and their families, for the large work that was to come. And it came in June of 1993, on CFC's 12th anniversary. At that time, the CFC Family Ministries were launched:
In addition, CFC has established Child Development Centers for kids ages 2 to 6 years. What all the above has given us in CFC a "womb-to-tomb" ministry. When a child is born into a CFC family, its first two years are spent being nurtured and learning to walk and talk. Then the child can be enrolled in a CFC Child Development Center. At age 6 or so, the child can join CFC Youth for Christ. At age 12 or so, the budding teenager can join CFC Youth for Christ. After school, at about age 21, he or she can join CFC Single for Christ. Once they get married, they move on to Couples for Christ. When a spouse dies, the surviving spouse can transfer to CFC Handmaids or the Lord (for widows) of CFC Servant of the Lord (for widowers). There is a continuity in spiritual formation and support which is not found in most other groups. There is an assurance of a familiar environment and community culture for the full length of one's earthly life. One can continue to grow in the Lord through the years in the same Christian community, able to deepen personal friendships and relationships which endure. A single person can find a spouse and be assured of solid formation and a compatible spirituality. There can be a focus on the one mission in which the whole CFC family is involved. A CFC child starts life in the womb of godly CFC mother supported by a godly CFC father, is born into a godly CFC home where he or she is nurtured and loved, and then starts a lifelong journey of involvement in the larger family of CFC. In addition to parental formation and support, he or she is supported by a vibrant, loving community through the years of childhold, adolescence, single life, marriage, and later the death of one's spouse. In CFC, with is "womb-to-tomb" ministry, one can literally invest a whole lifetime. This is God's gift to all of us in the community that is CFC. It is our assurance of the Lord's blessings from birth to death. It is God's provision for us to enable us after our earthly sojourn to enter into our eternal reward in heaven. |
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Couples for Christ is a registered non-profit organization. ©
CFC in Chicago, IL established 1994
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